A pleasant reminder of what discussions on this board (and its predecessor) used to be like, before we all started squabbling amongst ourselves!
Bungi Bill
JoinedPosts by Bungi Bill
Are there any ex-missionaries here??
by fulano ini have been a missionary in the dominican republic for almost 10 years and i was wondering if there were any ex-missionaries on this forum.. i am back in my country now for 3 years and totally inactive.. what i noticed in those missionary-years was the lack of spiritual interest among the missionaries.. discussions were about rooms, cars and greater responsibilities, the bad territory.
and the local c.o.s and d.os.. was this only in the dr or are there other experiences??.
ere other experiences?
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus ini pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
Bungi Bill
"Mediocrity perched on the dizzying pinnacles of hollow heads".
Does that not sum the whole business up beautifully, in only just one phrase! Thank you, Hairtrigger, for posting that gem of Winston Churchill's.
I never made it far up those "Dizzying Pinnacles" of the hollow heads - only for a few years toward the end of my time with the JWs was I a Ministerial Servant.
Are there terrorists amongst us ?
by Chook interrorists come from all walks of life and religion.
terrorism has very broad terms , eg saddam hussain was a friend to the us for years but when it suited us to land grab mr hussain had weapons of mass destruction.
even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.. with these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause.
Bungi Bill
OK Smiddy.
Thanks for that, I will look it up.
Gas or Electric Stove
by just fine ini am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
Bungi Bill
Speaking as an electrician, I would go for gas cooking.
Perhaps not if you did not already have gas connected, then it maybe not so attractive. But seeing as though you do have a gas supply enabled, then it is a no brainer (more control and less expensive!)
Are there terrorists amongst us ?
by Chook interrorists come from all walks of life and religion.
terrorism has very broad terms , eg saddam hussain was a friend to the us for years but when it suited us to land grab mr hussain had weapons of mass destruction.
even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.. with these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause.
Bungi Bill
In entering into any discussion about terrorism, the first thing to note is that there is no consensus at all as to what the definition of that word actually is. Plenty of people have differing ideas as to its definition - but consensus, no!
Not sure what you are referring to in the Philippines - perhaps you can enlighten us?
If you had the means to kill a terrorist before he detonated would you ?
by Chook ini mean blow their fucking brains out..
Bungi Bill
I believe that such a situation would very much fall under the category of "Hobson's Choice"!!
Did you ever have a discussion with an apostate that helped your journey out.
by jwfacts inthere seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
Bungi Bill
My first contacts with Ex-JWs did not occur until ten years after the last time I walked out of a kingdom hall.
For me , a series of gradually accumulating private doubts led me to carry out some discreet research; such "research" as was available in the pre-internet era. That mainly came down to a very small number of books, such as WC Stevenson's 1975: A Year of Doom?, plus certain writings of David Reed. Talking about the effectiveness of an "aggressive" approach - one "apostate" book that failed to impress me was W. Schnell's 30 Years A Watchtower Slave. It somehow came over more as the rantings of somebody slightly unbalanced, rather than an informative work on the Jehovahs Witnesses. (Even WC Stevenson gave Schnell's work a negative mention).
My doubts really began with the failure of anything to happen in 1975, plus the official silence that followed it. However, not wanting to classed amongst the "quitters", I found ways to rationalise my way around that one (for a decade or two afterwards, anyway). As Morpheus aptly described it "Realizing and accepting are two different things". That was me, all-right!
Just ordered the book Crisis of Conscience
by CitizenofEarth inhello there.. i just ordered the book coc, and will son recieve it.
does anyone have anything you want to mention about the book - perhaps some things you stumbled upon that might help me understand something more?
or maybe you have any thoughts you want to share regarding the book?
Bungi Bill
"Interesting" and "revealing" are how I would best describe my thoughts after reading Crisis of Conscience. Also, I did not find it particularly heavy-going. Ray Franz's description of the inside workings of the WTS/GB certainly explain a lot.
C.T. Russell (the Faithful and Wise Servant) was identified by God as being 'the man in linen, the man with the writer's inkhorn' through an unsuspecting -- get this -- Sign Painter!
by ScenicViewer ini was just now looking up one of the old references to c.t.
russell being the faithful and discreet slave, of mt.
24:45, in the finished mystery.
Bungi Bill
Goodness knows what titles he may have added to that had CT Russell lived any longer:
- perhaps, like Jim Jones (of "Jonestown" fame) he may have progressed to "Jesus" and then "God" himself!
The New terroists That The World have To Confront What is the Answer ?
by smiddy inthis latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
Bungi Bill
New Zealand has the dubious distinction of being the scene of one of the world's first instances of suicide bombing. The place was the small South Island town of Murchison (even today still only a small rural town), and the year was 1906.
A local farmer, seeing a court case going against him, decided he was going to "blow to hell" the plaintive by setting off the plugs of gelignite he had strapped on under his clothing. He succeeded in blowing himself to smithereens - while also blasting the courthouse off its foundations, seriously injuring the senior police officer who was trying to restrain him, and injuring dozens of others.
Otherwise, the small Muslim community in this country is known to contain its complement of radicals. Is anywhere safe? Scott Base, Antarctica, maybe!